translated from Spanish: Chamber of Deputies approved project that asks the Executive to create a tax on the “super rich” to finance basic emergency income

During this day, the Chamber of Deputies approved by 85 votes in favor, 19 against and 40 abstentions, the project promoted by the parliamentarian Karol Cariola (PC), which asks President Sebastián Piñera to create a tax of 2.5% on the “super rich” to finance the basic income of emergency.
The initiative could benefit 4 million people for a period of 6 months. “With a collection of close to $6 billion, it is possible to sustain an Emergency Basic Income above the poverty line ($419,851 for a family group of three) for six months, without distinguishing between formal and informal workers.” specified in Cariola’s text.
According to CNN Chile, regarding the approval of the project, the communist legislator noted that “we believe it is an act of justice, it is an act that requires the political will of the government of course of the President of the Republic, but also of opposition parties”.
“We have already been pronounced by economists, ECLAC, international organizations that have said that taxing the assets of the super-rich is a necessity to be able to solve the costs of this crisis that workers have been paying for today,” he said.
Through his Twitter account, Cariola argued that “the proposal is viable, the President must now respond.”
Review the project bases here. 

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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