translated from Spanish: FIFA launched an anti-domestic violence campaign

FIFA, in conjunction with the World Health Organization (WHO) and the European Commission, launched #SafeHome, a campaign to support women and children who are at risk of becoming victims of domestic violence. This initiative arises from the increase in violent cases as a result of isolation measures in several countries to prevent the spread of the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19). The campaign includes five videos involving 15 active and retired footballers. Among them, Milagros Menéndez, the lead of the Argentina and Racing national team.

“If you’re at risk of domestic violence, don’t feel guilty. You have the right to a life free from violence,” says the 23-year-old marplatense, while explaining a protocol with the steps to be taken in these cases. According to FIFA, nearly a third of women around the world are victims of physical violence and/or sexual abuse by their partners or others throughout their lives. And in most cases, these assaults are committed by the couple at home, in fact, up to 38% of the murders of women are committed by their partners. In addition, an estimated 1 billion children between the ages of two and 17 (i.e. half of the world’s children) have experienced physical, sexual or emotional violence or neglect in the past year. In this note:

Original source in Spanish


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