translated from Spanish: Florence Peña renounced the Dancing: they reveal that this would be their real motive

One of the news that shook the show in the last hours was the resignation of Florencia Peña al Bailando. The actress had her place secured to evaluate the participants of the program but a sudden “No” on her part – shortly after the show’s return – surprised.

It was journalist Angel de Brito who announced the retirement of his partner on the show. “I have a bomb of those you say bomb, bomb. For surprise. You’re not going to believe what I’m going to tell you now. No one knows it. It has to do with show business. Today we’re going to give you a scoop. I was in shock,” he began, saying. The reasons why the actress decided to step aside have to do with her personal situation. This year, he faced his father’s death, and is in the care of his mother along with his sister. “He’s been thinking a lot and has no intention of working this year,” De Brito said in Los Angeles in the Morning.

Peña also recounted the adaptation of “Married with Children” in the Great Rex, which also could not happen despite the outbreak of the pandemic, and thus the closure of theaters and mass shows. Now he chooses to stay with his family. However, the journalist Carlos Monti slipped another version of the story. On Channel Nine they broadcast a video from months ago in which the panelist questioned the continuity of the actress in Showmatch. “That thing they showed is from April 21 last. And at that moment, I already knew that Flor Peña was getting off the dancing. What I couldn’t say is that I already had everything arranged with Telefé,” he said.

Florence Peña announced his resignation to Dancing Photo: Instagram @flor_de_p

“It’s going to make Telefé’s mornings. I repeat, at that time I did not have it signed, but it was already all agreed so that she will be the new driver of the morning from very little time,” he added, adding and anticipating that there will be “modifications” with respect to the channel. It was then that Augustus Tartúfoli complemented: “Lizy Tagliani was already, and I don’t mean it with bad vibes. There have been meetings and they’re looking for a replacement for Lizy’s show. That’s very true. In those meetings it was said ‘che, this program is not the same as it was.” This program depended on Lizy interacting with people and can no longer do so (due to the social, preventive and mandatory isolation that governs the country by the coronavirus), has lost its grace. We’re trying to find another format because it doesn’t work and for Lizy’s sake she has to leave the place to another show,” she said.
In this note:

Original source in Spanish


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