translated from Spanish: Rodriguez Larreta confirmed that physical exercise is enabled during the night

The head of government, Horacio Rodríguez Larreta, began his address at the press conference he shared with the president, Alberto Fernández and the governor of Buenoserense, Axel Kicillof, for the “coordinated work” they have maintained since the pandemic began. “We continue to prioritize health care,” confirmed Larreta, who expressed concern about “the anguish” of people who remain in Estrica quarantine.

Larreta confirmed that if cases soar, his district will return back with isolation, which almost a month ago remains in the same phase along with part of the province of Buenos Aires.” It is a quarantine that contemplates the integral well-being of all people,” said the head of government. In this way, he asked to be very strict with the activities allowed and also with those that did not. Rodríguez Larreta noted that in the last 8 days cases in vulnerable neighborhoods are low, although he recognized the increase in the rest of the city. “Starting Saturday we started with the Detect in the rest of the neighborhoods plan,” he said.

At the press conference it was confirmed that the neighborhoods of apparel and footwear will begin to open with very strict protocols, to compensate with the premises of large shopping centers such as Flores or Liniers, which will remain closed. 

The PRO leader went one step further in the recreational outings of minors and confirmed the possibility of leaving the weekend two days, when in the last announcement it was one. “We had a very good experience and the experts recognize that it is very important,” I report. Larreta also confirmed that it will enable the possibility for ministers of any cult to attend temples and stream from there.

Original source in Spanish


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