translated from Spanish: The alleged assailant of Michel Ivonne is linked to prosecution

Puebla.- The alleged aggressor of the young Michel Ivonne “N”, 17 years old was linked to process during the course of June 03, in a virtual audience. Enrique Javier “N”, 20, ex-boyfriend of the teenager whom he tried to murder, was subject to investigation and informal pre-trial detention.

The lawyer granted four months for further investigation. You may be interested: Ex-boyfriend of Michel is arrested in Puebla for attempted femicideThe defendant was arrested after various inquests by the Attorney General’s Office of the State of Puebla, who determined that the last person with whom the victim was was his former romantic partner. The unit established that Enrique Javier N, quoted Michel Ivonne in a solitary place known as “Los Troncales” located in the same area of Agua Santa; It should be noted that there is a history of violence in the relationship they had. The Michel Ivonne case
The young woman had been reported missing since Tuesday, May 26, after allegedly receiving a phone call from Enrique Javier asking her out to give her shoes. You may be interested:They find Michel Ivonne violent in a Puebla drainage recordFor the afternoon of the next day he was located in a drainage register; according to the local media, the minor had blows and was tainted with a severe picture of hypothermia. He was also found traces of sexual assault. The teenage girl is currently hositalized in a coma. Alleged torture of Enrique Javier “N”
Enrique Javier’s mother “N”, arrested for alleged physical assault on Michel Ivonne, said her son was tortured and beaten during his detention.” I had the opportunity to talk with my son for a few minutes and saw him beaten, badly beaten by the hands and told me that he had been tortured and forced to record a video as well as forced him to testify,” said the woman according to information from El Sol de Puebla.Julieta Simón, who would bring the alleged aggressor to life, asked on Facebook to judge her son fairly.

Original source in Spanish


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