translated from Spanish: The PRO’s response to the sayings of Santiago Cafiero

In a chat with Radio Mitre, Santiago Cafiero stated that the pandemic, if it had happened with Mauricio Macri as president, “would have been a catastrophe”. Following this, several figures from the PRO, the opposition party, issued a statement in response to the sayings of the Chief of Staff.

A CONTRAFICAL HISTORY EXERCISE: MAURICIO MACRI AND PANDEMIAA response of our party to the Chief of Staff, Santiago Cafiero, who today said: “Imagine what this pandemic with Macri would have been ruling, a catastrophe.” Nine points:— PRO (@proargentina)
June 6, 2020

Titled “An Exercise in Counter-Factual History: Mauricio Macri and the Pandemic,” the letter contains nine points and is signed by the main members of the bloc.” Beyond the fact that the phrase is a provocation, which does not contribute to the political dialogue that the government itself says promote, we want to answer it with a list of things that we do believe would have happened (or would not have happened) in a second term of Mauricio Macri,” the text begins. Among these issues, they clarify that Mauricio Macri had relied on the responsibility of argentines, had found a balance in controlling the pandemic and full employment, and would have saved conflicts with other countries.
With respect to the other members of the PRO, the positions were mixed. While the head of government, Horacio Rodríguez Larreta, preferred not to generate controversy, Mario Negri, national deputy of Córdoba, posted a video on Twitter talking about it.

Santiago Cafiero’s statements are a provocation and are not up to the moment we are going through.
In this video I explain what @juntoscambioar surely not have done from the national government taking advantage of the pandemic:— Mario Raúl Negri (@marioraulnegri)
June 6, 2020

“The statements of Santiago Cafiero are a provocation and are not up to the moment we are going through,” he commented and continued in his video explaining what would have happened in the previous government.” I don’t know how we’d have fared with the pandemic. (From) what I’m sure is that radicalism would never have given the superpowers back to the Chief of Staff,” was one of the things that the MP for Together for Change criticized.
In this note:

Original source in Spanish


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