translated from Spanish: Demonstrators take down 17th-century slave trader statue in UK

A group of demonstrators has toppled the statue of 17th-century slave trader Edward Colston in the English city of Bristol, including many other protests against racism in the UK on Sunday.
Protesters in the south-west of England demolished the controversial bronze monument erected in 1895 in the city centre and made it roll through the streets to the water in the harbour.
The statue of Colston (1636-1721), a benefactor of the city who obtained his money from the trade and exploitation of slaves, had already been the subject of controversy and prompted a citizen’s request for his withdrawal.
Elsewhere in the UK, hundreds of thousands of people re-demonstrated on Sunday in revuls at the murder of African-American George Lloyd at the hands of a white police on May 25 in the United States.
In London, Glasgow, Birmingham or Manchester, protesters, many wearing gloves and masks, defied calls from the government and police, which warned that congregations of more than six people are “illegal” because of restrictions to curb the coronavirus.
Fourteen people were arrested and at least ten policemen were injured on Saturday in the British capital as they staged a confrontation at the end of a day of peaceful protests, involving singer Madonna, who was seen walking on crutches on a march through the city centre.
Artist Banksy, originally from Bristol, posted a message on his Instagram account in which, along with the image of some flowers and candles that start to light the US flag, he denounced that “the system is failing people of color.”

Original source in Spanish


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