translated from Spanish: Deputy Raúl Soto calls for approval project that freezes payment of basic services and calls on the Government to “not prevent the initiative from seeing the light”

This Monday is the key and final date in the Joint Commission for the vote on the articulation of the bill prohibiting the cutting of basic services for non-payment, in the midst of the Coronavirus pandemic. That’s why PPD’s chief banker, Raúl Soto, called for the initiative to deliver economic relief to the most vulnerable and middle-class families, while calling on the government to “not prevent the initiative from seeing the light.”
The aim of the bill to be voted in the Chamber of Deputies room on Tuesday is to establish a non-payment cut-off ban for bills that light, water, gas, internet and telephony for the duration of the crisis and the state of Catastrophe, so that this fundamental service continues to be delivered , despite the economic complications they are facing and that this remaining debt, is apportioned in 12 months to make it imperceptible in the family economy, without fines or interest.”
Soto also explained that the initiative envisages covering up to 60% of the population who “is facing not only a health crisis, but also a family economic crisis that in many cases does not allow them to pay their bills for the low income either by cessation, for the increase in spending inside the household, for the miserable pensions that older adults receive , among other reasons.”
“We cannot continue to wait, let alone strengthen the Government’s agreement with the companies that provide these services, as the MInistra de Transportes y Telecomunicaciones raised. This has to be through a law and it must be as soon as possible, so we urge the Government not to refuse again to let people receive relief in their finances and that this suspension is allowed,” Mr Soto concluded.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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