translated from Spanish: The details of the permit for Olympic athletes to retrain towards Tokyo

Argentine athletes who are qualified for the Tokyo Olympics will be able to return to training in compliance with the corresponding health protocols.
The decision was confirmed by the Ministry of Sports and Tourism, after several athletes publicly claimed a permit to be able to resume practices after almost three months of inactivity by the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19). However, not yet a specific date for the restart and the place of training, since the Ministry of Health will still have to approve the protocols presented by each of the federations and associations.
The details of the permit

Each athlete must have the updated “Caring” application, with their health data up to date and act in accordance with approved protocols.
Federations and associations defined with national sports authorities a “roadmap” to design training scenarios and schedules, and the accommodation of athletes.
In the case of the need for the transfer of an athlete or delegation in the case of group sports, the place of accommodation and training must be specified, and the authorization will be extended for the entire travel of that itinerary.
The current sanitary conditions are maintained, so that athletes will be kept in isolation at the fixed place of residence (whether domicile or other accommodation in case of transfer), they can only move to the training place and there, they must keep the conditions provided for in the protocols, both in social estrangement and in personal care.
In the case of group sports, physical and technical activities to comply with these protocol health provisions are provided for each discipline.
With regard to Cenard, it will remain CLOSED for the general activity and will only be able to access to fulfill their trainings, at specific times and by groups, the athletes representing the federations and associations that raised the respective request for use in this instance.
At the moment, meetings with the entities representing the Paralympic sport are held to outline in the medium term the return of their athletes to the internship, since the Paralympic Games have a later date of completion than the one set for the Olympic Games.

In this note:

Original source in Spanish


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