translated from Spanish: IPN works on a robot to sanitize COVID-19 hospitals

The researcher of the National Polytechnic Institute (IPN), Juan Humberto Sossa Azuela, works on the development of a robot that will sanitize hospital spaces intended for patients with COVID-19 with ultraviolet light.
In addition to sanitizing with ultraviolet light type c, the robot could support the monitoring of the overall health status of patients and the provision of medicines, explained, in a statement, the head of the Robotics and Mechatronics Laboratory of the IPN Computer Research Center (CIC).
It is a robotic and teleoperative system with basic autonomy functions that will allow to sanitize at a distance baths, corridors and rooms, as well as monitor the patient and serve as a link with the medical body, through a sensor system and an interface for tablets.

#ComunicadoIPN ?️ IPN develops robot to sanitize hospitals #COVID19
More information ➡️
— IPN (@IPN_MX) June 14, 2020

This project will allow to test the efficiency and effectiveness of ultraviolet type c light in the control and possible elimination of COVID-19 in contaminated areas and based on the expected results the proposed prototype will be put into operation as soon as possible, referred to the specialist, who is also part of the team of Mexican scientists formed by the Secretariat of Foreign Affairs to collaborate with foreign researchers in the development of a vaccine against coronavirus.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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