translated from Spanish: IMUJERIS reported that it will continue Virtual Conference Cycle

Morelia, Michoacán.- With the aim of continuing to bring information with a gender perspective and for the health care of the morelians, the Municipal Women’s Institute for Substantive Equality (IMUJERIS), transmits a Conference Cycle in a virtual way.
The unit headed by Concepción Torres Zaragoza, held last Monday, the #IMUJERISContigo Health Day, which addressed topics such as family planning methods, HIV/AIDS and family relations.
From Tuesday, the Institute began the Virtual Conference Cycle, where specialists from the Young People program of the Mexican Foundation for Family Planning, A.C. (Mexfam) Morelia, of the Transdisciplinary Network of Sexual Disssidence, as well as the Youth Integration Center, A.C. Morelia, shared their knowledge.
This Friday, the activities continue with the presentation “Care of others, care of others and care of the planet”, with the participation of the doctor, Aída Atenea Bullen Aguiar, academic technique at the Institute of Research in Ecosystems and Sustainability in the Communication and Environmental Education Unit of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), Campus Morelia.

This conference will be broadcast at 12:00 a.m., via the official Facebook of the Municipal Women’s Institute for Substantive Equality, so we invite the public to join this online exercise.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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