translated from Spanish: AmLO’s visit to alleged Covid’s sickness accused of mounting

Morelos.- President Andrés Manuel López Obrador visited the General Hospital “Doctor Carlos Calero Elorduy” in Cuernavaca, Morelos, aimed at expanding care for patients with SARS CoV2.
In the supervision, the sedena headlines Luis Cresencio Sandoval González accompanied the president; of Marina, José Rafael Ojeda Durán, of Health, Jorge Alcocer Varela, and of Security and Citizen Protection, Alfonso Durazo Montaño, as well as the governor of Morelos, Cuauhtémoc Blanco, and the director general of INSABI, Juan Antonio Ferrer Aguilar.
However, for Brenda Valderrama Blanco, president of the Morelense Academy of Science, photography where the President and officials appear without wearing any protective equipment is an obvious montage that sends a lousy message to generate further confusion among society.
The biotech scientist said the image is another of the serious messages that governments have issued in the pandemic, as it does not convey the seriousness of the problem and instead generates much confusion that leads people and governments to make bad decisions.
He explained that the combat discourse to Covid-19 should be unified “is what we try to do in the Municipal Committee, but few people listen to us, listen to (Marco Antonio) Cantú (Secretary of Health of Morelos), to (Hugo) López Gatell (undersecretary of the federal government), and to López Obrador, and these three people contradict each other, that is one of the causes of the contradictory health policies that we are seeing in Cuautla, Morelos, but also in Mexico City, where the authorities say one thing and then contradict each other and can no longer control” the measures of protection and social estrangement.
There is cross evidence, he said, that healthy distance, the use of mouth covers and constant hygiene, combined are very effective in reducing the possibility of contagion, explained Valderrama who lamented that the president himself is the one who leads the anti-fight group in Mexico
Original source: Katy Cardenas / El Sol de México

Original source in Spanish


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