translated from Spanish: Alberto Fernández archives Vicentín’s expropriation project

After meeting, in Quinta de Olivos, with the intervenor Gabriel Delgado, President Alberto Fernández paused the project of expropriation of Vicentín.Now, he waits for the plan of the governor of Santa Fe, Omar Perotti, who seeks the same as the president: that the cereal passes into the hands of the State and ceases to belong to those who “took her to her life”.
However, Alberto Fernández stated that, should the judge reject Perotti’s plan, the expropriation project will be afloat. While Perotti’s plan has a different format than that of the president, the Government prefers that of the Governor SaintFecino, as expropriation was always regarded as a “last resort”. With this intervention, the main proposal, made by Delgado, is to “preserve producers and sources of work”.
Now all that remains is to wait for the judge’s ruling, who knows that he has many people awaiting his decision, both for and against, given the magnitude of the flag that occurred on Saturday. For his part, Alberto Fernández wrote about the dichotomous situation on his Twitter account attaching a video of Raúl Alfonsín.

When they ask me how I am and if I intend to loosen up, I watch this video of the father of democracy and reaffirm my convictions. For those who suffer, for those who wait, for the people who trust us and for the health of the Republic we will continue to march. Together. Always.— Alberto Fernández (@alferdez)
June 21, 2020

“When they ask me how I am and if I intend to loosen up, I watch this video of the father of democracy and reaffirm my convictions,” the head of state wrote. “For those who suffer, for those who wait, for the people who trust us and for the health of the Republic we will continue to march. Together. Always,” he finished.

Original source in Spanish


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