translated from Spanish: Creative freedom through Anti-recital in León

Leon, Guanajuato. – Anti-recital, is a program in which it is a question of transforming the great classics of music, raising the new speeches in which the priority was freedom of experimentation; the project belongs to the School of Music of León.This program aims to be a space that allows a comprehensive development for the students of the School of Music of León, so the Cultural Institute of León, which continues to implement actions to continue the academic and professional training of new generations.
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In the Anti-recital, participants choose the composer’s work that they like most to reinterpret it and set aside traditional discourses; this project allows to change notes, improvise, make arrangements, change orchestration, play only certain parts or integrate new compositions, as long as there is a congruent interpretive and discursive proposal accompanied by multidisciplinary or stage exploration and a text that contextualizes the next experience that the public will live. The call was held during the first quarter of this year, the committee was in charge of selecting the participants elected by means of an audition in which they were elected:

Ivette Ten (student)
Jazbel Luzval (student)
Manuel Modesto (student)
Paul Millán (teacher)
Guillermo Rayas (teacher)

These chosen ones will be in charge of interpreting pieces that speak of María Sabina, depression and anxiety, violence and even former presidents of Mexico, as part of the program.

Faced with the situation caused by the pandemic caused by Covid-19, and with the aim of complying with preventive measures and health protocols, the presentations will be held virtually from June 29 to July 3, through the official social networks of the Cultural Institute of León and the School of Music of the municipality.
You may be interested in:
The social networks of the Institute and the EML to know the details of this project; Facebook: Lion Cultural Institute and Lion Music School; Twitter and Instagram: @CulturaLeon; Youtube: /CultureLeon.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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