translated from Spanish: Spain: They had to remove the gel alcohol from the women’s prison

It happened in Brians 1 prison, in Sant Esteve Sesrovires (Barcelona) where the authorities discovered that the inmates used it to make a modified version of the popular drink “Cuba libre” and mixed alcohol with soda. The drink that is originally composed of soda glue and a measure of rum, in the presidial version, managed to convert it with the, so prized these days, alcohol in gel and soda.

Cuba Libre

Because of this, they decided to remove it from the facility as the intake of this disinfectant is harmful to health. And it is not suitable for oral consumption. One of the practices that was formerly used to obtain alcohol in prisons has been the use of fruit to make wine, especially using oranges and apples. But now with alcohol, inmates found a quicker way, fortunately there were no cases of poisoning. harm to the health of women in detention. The truth is that in the prison at least 11 positive cases of coronavirs have been detected in modules 4 and 5 that were confined and the inmates were transferred to the Terrassa Prison Hospital for treatment. For this reason all precautions to prevent the spread of covid-19 are more than necessary. And gel alcohol, along with constant hand washing, is one of the pillars for prevention. 

Original source in Spanish


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