translated from Spanish: New billing caps for SMEs, how are the scales?

On Wednesday, the Government officialized the new annual billing limits to determine which companies fall into the SME categories, through Resolution 69/2020 published in the Official Gazette. The maximum amounts are divided into five categories covering Trade, Industry and Mining, Construction, Services and Agro.

In this way, Commerce is the highest annual billing amount, where a micro-company is considered to be the one that bills up to $36,320,000 per year; up to $247,200,000; median tranche 1 to $1,821,760,000 and medium tranche 2 up to $2,602,540,000 annual turnover. The second in turnover is the Industry and Mining sector, where it is considered a micro-company that bills up to $33,920,000 a year, a small one is up to $243,290,000; a median tranche 1 to $1,651,750,000 and a medium-2 tranche to $2,540,380,000 annual turnover.

Below is the construction area. A micro company bills up to $19,450,000; small is up to $115,370,000; 1 to $643,710,000; and medium tranche 2 up to $965,460,000 annual turnover. Then, fourth, Services: a micro-company bills up to $9,900,000 a year; small is up to $59.70,000; 1 to $494,200,000; and medium tranche 2 up to $705,790,000 annual turnover. Finally, we have the agricultural sector. A micro company bills up to $17,260,000 a year, small is up to $71,960,000; 1 to $426,720,000; and medium tranche 2 up to $676,810,000 annual turnover.

In addition, the text covers the new limit of occupied personnel, which was left as follows:
Construction: micro companies up to 12 employees; small up to 45; 1 to 200 and medium-stage two to 590.
Services: micro companies even feel people; small up to 30; medium section one up to 165 and medium section two up to 535.
Trade: micro companies up to seven people; small businesses up to 35; medium stretch one up to 125; and medium stretch two up to 345.
Industry and Mining: micro companies up to 15 people; small businesses up to 60; medium section one up to 235 and medium section two up to 655.
Agricultural: micro companies up to five people; small up to 10; medium section one up to 50 and medium section two up to 215.

In this note:

Original source in Spanish


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