translated from Spanish: Buenos Aires members want to declare plasma donation in “public interest”

In a project led by Claudio Ferreño, president of the Frente de Todos block, and accompanied by his 16 benchmates, officialism asked the Buenos Aires Executive Branch to increase the number of spaces so that recovered patients can donate their plasma, to fight the coronavirus. It has to do with declaring plasma donation in a “public interest”, accompanied by “dissemination and awareness” campaigns about the importance of this initiative, which has shown promising results, for which the participation of the Communal Boards is also considered “transcendent”.” From the Front of All we have promoted a declaration of interest in the City Legislature, as well as it has happened at the national level, on the research that is being carried out in plasma treatment for Covid-19″, said Ms. Claudia Neira.

“The procedure for plasma extraction is fast and with minimal discomfort for the donor. Once done, the plasma is separated from other components of the blood such as red, white and platelet blood cells, which will then be returned to the donor without the plasma, which regenerates in about 48 hours,” said the representative of Front of AllSe according to numbers published by the Ministry of Health of the Nation, 90% of the patients treated with plasma in health centers in that district have recovered , and a report by Meps Maria Patricia Vischi (UCR-Evolution), states that “7 out of 10 people who have recovered developed antibodies.” Each plasma donation from a recovered patient would allow the treatment of up to four infected. It is thus possible to generate a chain of donors that would help the recovery of Covid-19 patients in addition to significantly lowering the death rate of the virus,” they add from officialism.

Original source in Spanish


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