translated from Spanish: Michoacán Congress approved urging the governor to set up measures against COVID-19 in CERESOS

Morelia, Michoacán.- In a statement The plenary session of the State Congress reported that it has adopted as an urgent and obvious resolution the point of agreement to exhort the Governor of Michoacán to establish measures to prevent and contain SARS-Cov2, within all the Centres for Social Reintegration (CERESOS) of the State of Michoacán, especially with regard to women who are deprived of their liberty and who have their young children under their care with them.
It was Deputy Zenaida Salvador Brígida, who proposed this point of agreement, where he noted that in Michoacán there is an estimated population of more than five thousand inmates throughout the state and this is because in the last three years, four prisons, including one from Morelia, were closed due to the need to reduce operating costs in state prisons and due to their poor infrastructure conditions. What has resulted in overcrowding, observing the lack of adequate spaces for its toilet, as in the bedrooms and other areas of coexistence, generating unsanitary conditions, by the lack of cleanliness, which is caused by overpopulation and lack of necessary tools and toilet materials both for your person and for the common areas.
In this sense, local MPs agreed that it is necessary to act in an emerging way and strengthen sanitary measures, in the preparation of food and in the cleaning within the CERESOS as they are: bedrooms, kitchen areas, canteens, workshops, sports areas, general bath areas, locutorios and common areas, so you must provide them with the necessary equipment and tools to prevent any risk of contagion , of any type of infection or disease that may jeopardize the safety of the Centres, as well as personnel who work, as well as the internal population and especially of the infants who live with their mothers inside the centres, since they are more vulnerable to contracting any type of infection.
In addition, hygiene and health measures should be provided for the entry of the staff who work there, as well as the visits and lawyers who enter the prisons, in order to prevent the contagion of COVID-19, with the internal population, having necessary material and equipment to all staff, as well as requiring visitors to have the protective measures required by protocols for this pandemic and which are the that they are implemented at the entrance of government institutions and in the same way should be required of the authorities of the prisons as medical personnel to work there to constantly monitor the measures and protocols that are required to prevent the contagion of covid-19.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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