translated from Spanish: Diego Sinhue Heads Session of the State Council of Public Safety

Guanajuato. – The Governor of Guanajuato, Diego Sinhue Rodríguez Vallejo, it was the one who led the Eighth Session of the State Council of Public Safety, which was carried out viartually, in the face of the state emergency due to the pandemic for the Coronavirus.One of the purposes of this State Session, is to know what progress has been made of the municipal commitments of the 2020 financial year and how they have been supported in the face of the affectations and problems caused by the Panvid-19 pandemic.
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In order to address the achievements of the commitments of the Program for the Strengthening of Municipal Public Security, in this session that was held in a virtual way, complying with preventive measures; 37 mayors, as well as citizen councillors, representatives of state and federal authorities on public safety participated.Revised commitments:
100 percent of Emergency Center staff with Control and Confidence Assessment are approved
100 percent of Emergency Center personnel registered with the National Registry of Public Safety Personnel
100 percent of 9-1-1 Competency Certified telephone operators “Telephone Operator 9-1-1”
Integration, Training and Implementation of Strategies to Committees on Neighborhood Security and Reconstruction of the Social Fabric.

The peace and quiet of the families in #GTO, we will build it together, adding all efforts. Today we follow up on the topics of interest promoted by the members of the State Council of Consultation and Citizen Participation. #UnidosSomosGrandeza — Diego Sinhue Rodríguez Vallejo (@diegosinhue)
June 24, 2020

Citizen Participation Committees
In addition, the progress of the Integration, Training and Implementation of the Strategies of the Citizens’ Participation Committees were analyzed, in which parents, traders and any type of civil organization of the territory are integrated, which follows the Municipal Program for the Social Prevention of Violence and Crime in Guanajuato.Addressing topics such as:
The Sessions of the Municipal Commission on prevention, training of its members and monitoring of drug resistance programs
Follow-up to Gang and/or Youth At Risk Programmes
The State’s Inventory Inventory Update of Goods granted in high care
The Generation of Prevention Campaigns and Emergency Numbers in Media and the elaboration of the citizen perception survey in the field of Public Safety.

These measures have been supported by the State Government, supporting municipalities that have not been able to advance the commitments established in the Council, however, they were told that they will have to comply with the rest of the commitments, in addition to delivering the reports and reports in the time and form established. You can also read:
Previously, the Governor of the State of Guanajuato, had a meeting with the members of the State Council of Citizen Consultation and Participation, who were recognized for interest and work to strengthen the tranquility and peace of citizens.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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