translated from Spanish: Gabriela was going to her food business when she was hit by a bullet from the bombing.

A woman heading to work in her food business at the National Auditorium died during the attack where the Secretary of Citizen Security of the capital, Omar García Harfuch, was injured.
Gabriela, 26, was driving through the area where the attack occurred, along with three other people, from Xalatlaco, State of Mexico.
Read: CDMX security secretary suffers Lomas attack
They depart every day from that municipality of Edomex to sell Mexican cravings near the Auditorio Nacional metro.
Gabriela circulated in the car with Tania, her wounded sister and whose health is unknown.
“The vehicle was driven by my brother-in-law, his sister of my brother-in-law also came with them,” says Rosa Gómez Cervantes, a relative of the victims.
Find out: ‘We were attacked by the Jalisco New Generation cartel’: Harfuch
Claudia Sheinbaum, head of government of the CDMX, reported that three people died in the attack, two escorts of the official and Gabriela.
“I right now what I want is to hear from my sister. I only ask God that those people who were to blame, that God take care of it,” Rosa tells the press.
The family is requesting support from the authorities to learn about Tania’s state of health, as well as financial aid, as after confinement by the COVID-19 pandemic they barely returned to work and to set up their food stall.
So far, there are 12 people arrested for the attack, Ernestina Godoy, head of the Attorney General’s Office of Mexico City, reported.
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Original source in Spanish

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