translated from Spanish: Wonder Woman 1984: Gal Gadot argues that the film doesn’t look like a sequel

The long-awaited film “Wonder Woman 1984” (Wonder Woman 1984) was due to debut on the big screen this June, however, because of the global situation due to the Covid-19 pandemic, and by many cinemas remain closed, the film will be released until October. The film is directed by Patty Jenkins, who also directed “Wonder Woman” in 2017. DC Comics and Warner Bros. continue the adventures of Wonder Woman, who is played by actress Gal Gadot.
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But this new film doesn’t “look like a sequel”, both Gal Gadot and his co-star Kristen Wiig, who plays Cheetah. 
It’s a whole new world.

Explains Gal.
For the film’s lead actress, Wonder Woman 1984, it is a completely original and unique film, to the one produced in 2017. Gal Gadot mentions that it is “different” in several ways, and that this film is a new proposal individually, which would not be part of the sequel concept.
This film moves back to a time after the events that appeared in Wonder Woman (2017). In the first dialogue of the first trailer of the new film, Wonder Woman says “My life… it hasn’t been as you probably think.”

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Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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