translated from Spanish: Deputy Ossandón for discussion of the emergency postnatal: “It should have been a topic led by the Ministry of Women”

The Currency opened a new flank of criticism this week by announcing the submission of a bill so that mothers who are in their postnatal period or are about to expire, can access the Employment Protection Act. For The Deputy of National Renewal Ximena Ossandón, the Ministry of Women and Gender Equity should lead the discussion instead of the Labour portfolio that today monitors the processing.
The M. told Cooperative radio that “it is difficult to make a judgment on (the minister) Monica Zalaquett that she is just getting started” in office, and that this is a project that has been under discussion in Congress for months.
“Let us remember that we were fifty and so many days without minister of women. Probably if we had had a Monica Zalaquett at that minute, the story today would be told differently,” he added. In this regard, Ossandón stated that for her, personally, “this should have been a topic led by the Ministry of Women and consulted with the Ministry of Labour, and because of these circumstances I described, in the end the dynamics were different”.
“Those of us who have been defining the postnatal were a little disadvantaged, because we didn’t have that armed and talked structure, and if I had been consensual from the beginning maybe we’d have something now. So I can’t say that Monica Zalaquett is the one I have to define today, because the cards were actually played beforehand,” he added.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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