translated from Spanish: Discard tour guides increase in cost for tours

Cristian Ruiz
Morelia, Michoacán.- The tourism sector has had to adapt its services to the health contingency by the Covid-19, implementing in the tours by the guides different prevention measures to prevent its spread.
The services will no longer be collective as they were done before, now, you will reach the modality of private services and prioritize the pedestrian routes for small groups, said Adriana Villaseñor Figueroa, coordinator of the tourist guides of Morelia.
In addition, in case the group of tourists is nurtured, it must be divided into two groups of maximum 25 people each, who will have their own guide without representing an extra cost to the visitor.
“It’s re-being to re-run a tour, it’s investing because we need to load our gel, and more things, the costs will stay and it will be a lower income for the tour guides,” he explained.
The coordinator stressed that they will have to adapt to the new needs of tourists, since previously the routes were long and due to the current situation will have to be shorter.
In this regard, he mentioned that the pandemic was an economic scalarule for the guild of tour guides, even though they have received some support from different governments such as pantry and loans.
However, the 21 groups of guides in the municipality are already ready to resume activities, in addition to being trained to implement the prevention protocols.
Monitor Expresso 

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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