translated from Spanish: Why fireworks are harmful to your health

America.-With the arrival of celebrations, such as Independence Day, end of years, decembrian times, or even a family holiday make many want to burn some gunpowder with fireworks, even though the risk is evident from being explosive devices. Scientists point out that there are more negative effects. Recent research conducted by the Grossman School of Medicine at New York University and published by the journal Particle and Fiber Texicology showed that fireworks can cause cell damage, and to the lungs.
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Among the most dangerous components that can be found in some products are lead, titanium, strontium and copper, where concentrations of metals in the environment can increase on independence holidays and the reception of new year, where researchers point out, that at that time high levels of toxic metals can be found for humans. Terry Gordon, author of the research, explains that far from the physical injuries that the explosion may cause, the smoke that is inhaled by humans and animals can cause damage to human cells. In the face of the facts it is advisable not to use fireworks because of the risks they pose and their possible linkage to environmental pollution. You might also be interested: A COVID-19 blood test might predict who will need a fanSclerosis multiple: more and more patients turn to marijuana as therapy

Original source in Spanish


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