translated from Spanish: Diabetic patient wins COVID-19 at Apatzingán General Hospital

Morelia, Michoacán.- After snout 16 days at the Apatzingán General Hospital of the Ministry of Health of Michoacán (SSM), a 66-year-old diabetic patient, successfully passed COVID-19 and returned home to his family.
Amid applause and smiles from doctors and nurses the patient was dismissed and discharged as he defeated the disease despite his diabetes, which received the necessary medical care through the multidisciplinary team.
People with comorities such as obesity, hypertension and diabetes may have greater complications if they get COVID-19, so the SSM invites them to keep a strict control of their conditions.
There is still no cure or vaccine against COVID-19, so social estrangement, not touching your face with dirty hands, using the mouth cover, washing or constant hand disinfection, not kissing, hand or hug, and sneezing at the inner angle of the arm, are the most effective preventive means to avoid contracting the virus.
The SSM makes available to the population the 800-123-2890 with 11 lines to solve all their doubts, as well as the microsite where they will find all the information available about COVID-19.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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