translated from Spanish: Chipax: the platform that sorts SME finances

In the context of a financial crisis, it is more than ever relevant that micro, small and medium-sized enterprises have complete clarity about their financial health, so that they make the best decisions to keep their business alive.
And to make a good diagnosis, the first thing to check is the state of the cash flow, that is, the difference between the cash that enters, minus the cash coming out of an organization.
This is confirmed by Karen Ciorba, commercial director of Ciorba, a human resources consultancy, who points out that in difficult times it is when SMEs need to focus most on developing business strategies, but for that it is necessary to have complete clarity of finance. “It is common for SMEs to care more about the product or service we are offering and neglect financial control. But the financial part is just as important, so it should take up 50% of the time we spend on our business.”
More time to grow
Precisely, because of the large amount of time that financial tasks require, it is that in many cases they are postponed, which in the long run can become a huge problem for the sustainability of a business. They know this well at Chipax, a startup that helps SMEs sort their finances.
“In our experience, many companies fail because they are unclear about their expenses or do not know who owes them, making it difficult for them to establish their cash flow. That’s why with our platform we facilitate this work, synchronizing and uploading the information of current accounts and the IBS in one place, we perform financial reconciliation automatically and deliver tools that integrate with cash flow management – such as electronic invoicing, automated collection and advanced financial reports in real time-“, says Antonio Correa, CEO of Chipax.
To date they have about 600 customers and their plans start at the $60 thousand pesos per month. Thanks to this solution SMEs can give a break and spend more time boosting their business.
Companies that want to know the platform can access a two-week free trial.

Original source in Spanish


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