translated from Spanish: Walker accused Piñera of obstructing projects demanded by the public

Matías Walker, A DC MP and chairman of the House Constitution Commission, accused President Sebastián Piñera of obstructing projects demanded by the public. In conversation with Radio Cooperative, Walker stated that while the veto “is a right that the President of the Republic has, as we say the lawyers, is abusing a right, and does so in a very complex circumstance for the country.” I would say that the President of the Republic, who has long accused the opposition of being obstructionist, is becoming an obstructionist to the projects that citizens are demanding today,” the parliamentarian added. This in reference to the vetoes entered by the Government into Congress, in relation to the project that prohibits the cutting of basic services during the pandemic and the one that ends with the Sename.In the same vein, the DC legislature assured that “the President has to decide whether to tune in to the public or continue with an ideological vision that prevents him from seeing the need to move forward on these projects and in these big changes.” Walker questioned the Executive for wanting to “force people to opt for soft credit alone,” while since the opposition they seek to give them the option not to go into debt and opt for the withdrawal of 10% of their funds in the AFPs. In addition, it ruled out that the project approved this week will harm people’s pensions, since “what we are proposing in a transitional provision is that a progressive, non-regressive compensatory solidarity fund be created, that is, that it is financed first to the least have”.

Original source in Spanish


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