translated from Spanish: Blumel sentences official matches: “This week has to mark a turning point”

The Minister of the Interior, Gonzalo Blumel, referred on Sunday to the complex week that lived officialism, after the approval in the Chamber of Deputies of the project that allows the withdrawal of up to 10% of the planned funds, and which had votes of 13 deputies of Chile Vamos.In interview with the program Mesa Central de Canal 13 Blumel acknowledged that “of course for the coalition and the government it was a bad week, and that has to be acknowledged.” In the same vein, he added that “in the last week there was a deterioration in the relationship within the coalition, between the coalition and the government, between the parties, and that is why this week has to mark a turning point,” alluding to the particular vote that will take place next Wednesday in Congress.” It was a bad week. We allow our votes to advance a proposal that is bad, having an alternative that is better, like the one presented by the government,” the Secretary of State argued, on the approved initiative, assured that “it is a proposal that I think means institutional damage in the way public policies are being made.” This project does a gate to end the planned system and what Chile needs today is a better planned system,” argued interior.

Original source in Spanish


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