translated from Spanish: Coronavirus in Argentina: 13 new deaths and total amounts to 1787

In Saturday’s morning report, 13 new coronavirus deaths in Argentina have been confirmed by the Ministry of Health. The total number of deaths since March stands at 1,787. The median age of total deaths by Covid-19 is 75 years. Yesterday, 3,367 (94% of AMBA) were registered, increasing the total number of infected people since the pandemic began to 94,060, of which 41,408 have already received medical discharge. Of the total confirmed cases, 50.6% are men and 49.4% are women, with a median age of 37 years.

Regarding those who have died since the last official report: nine men of whom lived in Buenos Aires aged 45, 72, 77, 78 and 87, three of CABA aged 64, 65 and 69 and one of 83 years old living in Chaco. Four women: two aged 65 and 66 years from the province of Buenos Aires, one from CABA and one 86 years old from chubut province.Carla Vizzoti remarked that “the only province that has not recorded cases in the last 14 days is La Pampa. This shows the importance that jurisdictions that are in DISPO (Social, Preventive and Compulsory Distance) have a very alert and sensitive surveillance”. “In places where the ASPO (Social, Preventive and Compulsory Isolation) follows until July 17, intensify care, minimize circulation. Every action we take can prevent infection and minimize transmission. We will see the impact of this action in the next 14 days,” she recalled.

Original source in Spanish


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