translated from Spanish: For the first time, they catch Trump with carrying sketches

Photo of Routers
US President Donald Trump wore a mask during a visit to a military hospital on Saturday, the first time the representative is seen in public with the type of facial protection recommended by health authorities as a precaution against spread or to prevent contagion of the new coronavirus.
Trump helicoptered to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in a Washington suburb to visit wounded military and health personnel serving COVID-19 patients. Upon his departure to the White House, the president told reporters that “when you are in a hospital, especially… I think a mask is expected to be used.”

#EstadosUnidos President Donald #Trump, who has avoided using a public #mascarilla despite #coronavirus’s #pandemia, took one on Saturday at a medical center near #Washington, where he met wounded soldiers and workers. REUTERS/Tasos Katopodis
— Reuters Latam (@ReutersLatam) July 11, 2020

Trump used a punch cover in Walter Reed’s lobby at the start of his visit. He didn’t bring one when he got off the helicopter at the facility.
The president began using a punch cover long after the pandemic broke out, which has hit the United States since March and infected more than 3.2 million people and killed at least 134,000.
Major Republicans, including Vice President Mike Pence, supported the use of masks while coronavirus spreading in the summer.
However, Trump has refused to use sketch covers at press conferences, coronavirus care force briefings, political events, and other public events.
Excelsior information.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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