translated from Spanish: City: Quirós proposed resuming outdoor sports activities

The Minister of Health of Buenos Aires, Fernán Quirós, said today that for the new stage of isolation by the coronavirus the City proposed to resume outdoor sports activities and commuter shops, in addition to maintaining the departures of children, but insisted that social gatherings will not be released. With regard to this last point, the official asked the citizens to “go through these moments without meeting,” referring to the Memorial Day commemoration next Monday, and recommended “that every citizen take care of and care for the rest.” About social gatherings it is very important to know that they are not released. There is no permission to make encounters between people living in different families, and while we know that some are doing so, we ask them to make a small effort, it is full of examples of people who did it and many contagions appeared,” he said. During the press conference in which he provided data on the evolution of the pandemic in the City and in view of the end of the tightening of quarantine next Friday, Quirós argued that “we proposed to resume activities that we had enabled and had to go back.” While it will be communicated in the coming days, you will surely be able to go out to physical activity at the permitted schedules, leave adults with children, go shopping in neighborhood business if released, but there is no permission for social gatherings between people living in different families,” he said. The minister argued that “we don’t like to talk about runners, because most are not” by insisting on the importance of outdoor sports.” They are activities of infinite lower risk than those that are done in a closed place, and of course the commuter trade that has so much impact on the barrial economy and is low risk,” he explained. To justify these new measures, Quirós said that “the R (contagiosity) index is practically 1″, an objective that was set by the Government of Buenos Aires to reopen activities.” What we’re seeing in the City is that the curve has flattened, we have the R practically in 1 and we’re still waiting for the data for the next few days, in which there will also be an impact of this effort that we’re all making,” he added. However, he said that “if that didn’t happen we’re going to show it to people and ask for whatever it takes.” Finally, Quirós was consulted about studies on Covid-19 vaccines and said “we have a lot of expectations, there are more than 10 vaccines that are entering phase 3, that have some level of safety and that increase antibodies in people.”

Original source in Spanish


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