translated from Spanish: Doctor is beaten and leaves fleeing Parache; accused him of the death of a patient (Video)

home Highlights, Michoacán Doctor is beaten and leaves fleeing Parache; accused him of the death of a patient (Video)

Michoacán.- On social media already circulates the video of a doctor who was beaten by the ignorance of the people after inhabitants of Paracho accused his father of the death of a patient with breathing problems.
The doctor was assaulted on Monday night, the fact was recounted by the doctor himself while driving out of the region following the attack and harassment. “We fled our village, ” remarked the young man in tears and in an annoying tone.

Share xfavor and help us to remove the ignorance of such stupid people, all this happened by people of the AHUIRAN community ….. To which we are responsible if anything happens to us Especially to the chief of tenure who was one of the assailants and relatives of the deceased
Posted by Salvador Jasso on Monday, July 13, 2020

The doctor said “it was our turn to be victims of the stupidity and ignorance of the people of my dear Mexico.” He added that it all began when his father received a person with symptoms of atypical pneumonia and low oxygenation levels, so he gave him an injection of dexamethasone to deflate the lungs and referred him to the hospital.

However, hours later, not knowing if the family took him to the hospital or returned him home for the slight improvement, his relatives returned to frighten the family and held the doctor accountable for the person’s death, ensuring that the injection he put him on caused his condition to aggravate and die

WHY HIT A WOMAN? COMPARTAN xfavor In this video it is clearly seen how my MAMA is beaten by this string of faggots that even a woman does not respect, segudi go with my brother-in-law and not one if not the whole ball of faggots just like I was hit, I really know that I really do that I will be angry that I tell them to SHARE, but it is necessary that people realize that apart from ignorant these aboriginal people are also faggots, WHY HIT A WOMAN ?
Posted by Salvador Jasso on Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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