translated from Spanish: Senate approves postnatal license bill and moves to House

The Senate approved the bill creating “parental preventive medical leave,” which will serve as a complement to extend the postnatal when this rest is completed during the Covid-19 pandemic. Now the initiative moves to the lower house to continue with the second constitutional procedure. Following the review of the project in the Labour and Treasury committees, the Chamber Chamber discussed and gave the green light in general and in particular the initiative, agreed two weeks ago between the Government and Congress as an alternative to the parliamentary motion of the emergency postnatal. The benefit is up to three months for mothers whose postnatal has expired since March 18 and for the duration of the disaster state. Thus, parental preventive medical leave is provided for 30 days, extendable for twice during the constitutional state of emergency. In the event that both parents have enjoyed parental postnatal leave, either parent’ option may enjoy this parental preventive medical leave. This new medical permit will be paid by the respective Isapre or Fonasa, as applicable. In the meantime, workers who have in their care children born from 2013, will have the right to apply for the suspension of the employment contract, under the Employment Protection Act, a benefit that will be compatible with the Emergency Family Income, all of which will be audited by the Superintendency of Pensions.In addition, a rule was incorporated that prevents the employer from relying on as a cause for termination of an employment contract the non-admissions due to the care of children or girls: this circumstance must be communicated to the employer and accredited within two working days of the no-assistance.

Original source in Spanish


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