translated from Spanish: Mystery over: Senator Moreira commits his vote in favor of pension funds

UDI seed and seatless senator And chairman Ivan Moreira confirmed on Friday that he will vote for the withdrawal of 10% of pension funds.
Through a press point on Friday, Moreira announced her “intention to support the withdrawal of funds.”
“I am not in politics to defend AFPs,” Moreira said, adding that “I am not available to vote for a single pension-sharing system, I am also not available to allow the expropriation of individual funds, because these are failed recipes for socialism in the world.”
Moreira says he is convinced that he will be accompanied in the vote in favor of the withdrawal of funds by UDI Senators David Sandoval and José Durana and the RN Juan Castro and Manuel José Ossandón.
He subsequently had messages for his party, UDI: “I regret the censorship and threats of the UDI, that has given me the strength to advance my decision,” Moreira said, referring to the decision to bring to the Surpemo Tribunal the Members who voted in favour of the project, including his brother Cristhian Moreira.
“I am a strong supporter of individual freedom, which is why I support the UDI Members who voted in favour of the 10% withdrawal project in the Chamber of Deputies. I will accompany you, I will defend you in all necessary instances because I believe that the UDI has unfortunately transgressed the law,” he criticized.
“I deeply regret the censorship, the threats that UDI has tried to prevent, but this has given me the strength to advance my decision (…) Today I announce my intention to support the withdrawal of funds,” he said.
“I am available to vote for 10% of the withdrawal, but only for those who really need it and for that I will present an indication to the project next Monday because I am not there to help those who have the most to take out their money without taxes to take it to an APV or a mutual fund,” he said.

Credit: @vagoilustrado

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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