translated from Spanish: IMDA announces health protocols in baseball and softball in Ahome

Los Mochis, Sinaloa.- Felipe Juárez Soto, director of the Municipal Institute of Sport of Ahome (IMDA), had on Monday a virtual liaison with baseball and softball managers of the region to report the health protocols to follow, when the health authorities give the green light for the reactivation of joint sports. Accompanied by Mauricio Sánchez Gámez, coordinator of sports committees, Juárez Soto stressed the importance of everyone involved in both disciplines knowing in detail what should and should not be done in a stadium, in order to safeguard the health of those involved.
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“These are measures authorized by the Ministry of Health that we need to follow to prevent this problem from growing (Covid-19) that we are experiencing. For our municipal president (Manuel Guillermo Chapman Moreno) health is one of the priorities of his government, so he asked us to pay special attention to these protocols,” said the IMDA holder. This announcement does not mean that they are being invited to go to the stadiums now, but that it is for when health conditions are given to return to the activity. The options to play are solely and exclusively from the leagues, their players, managers, coaches and managers,” added Juárez Soto, clarifying that his recommendation is and will remain: “stay home”. Salvador Lamphar, Coordinator of Civil Protection, was present at the virtual link; Rafael Hernández Rubio, the brand new chairman of the Municipal Baseball Committee; Juan Corrales, new owner of the ahomense softball; Alfredo “Zurdo” Soto, ampayeo and annotation coordinator; Luis Castro, president of the Ahome League; Manuel Cárdenas, by the Williamsport movement, as well as league presidents from both disciplines. Mauricio Sánchez was in charge of released the list of protocols. CLEANING AND DISINFECTION

Sanitize bathrooms and dugputs
Enable a tent on the side of dugouts to maintain healthy distance between players and staff
Always have antibacterial gel in every dugout
Using water and soap for hand washing
Count on disposable towels
Antibacterial gel, and containers with soap and water at other strategic points in the stadiums
Having a person to sanitize balls and bats


Bat and helmet for each player
Two sets of balls (each team)
Don’t bring foreign players on your rosters
Resume activities without public, and subsequently allow entry gradually, according to the behavior of the pandemic
Do not allow the presence of players in the dugout who will not have activity in the game
Players who leave the match and are not eligible to re-enter (in the case of softball), must leave the dugout
Take the temperature to all team members in each match, including staff (not exceeding 38 degrees Celsius)
Players and staff must use head covering at all times
All players must use gauntlets
During pre-game rallies, have a healthy distance and mouth cover
Weekly meetings should be held, as far as possible, from a digital platform
During conversations with the ampayers, there must be a distance of at least one and a half meters between those involved
Managers and coaching staff members must wear gloves and war cover all the time, as well as players on the dugout
No use of tobacco, seeds and gum to avoid spitting
No greetings and physical contact
All equipment like squirts, bats, gloves, can’t be loaned: everything is personal

1. All those involved in the parties will have to abid by these protocols and sign the commitment sheet2. In case of faults to the same you will receive in the first instance a warning, and if there is recidivism you will be expelled from the ground or canceled the eventIt may be interested: Liga Linces prepares to return to the activitiesSecond exit today in the ball RegionalIf there is no discipline can be reached anywhere: Rafael Armenta

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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