translated from Spanish: Netflix incorporates a trick for when you don’t know what to watch

It happens to all of us, who set out to watch Netflix, prepare everything, settle in, and spend the next few minutes circling the platform without knowing what to watch. This is why, from the app, they decided to create a function that will at least give us a general screen and allow us, perhaps, to decide faster. 
Under the name “Play something” immediately the app will show us random content, such as a kind of Zapping, so that we can choose. 

While the tool is in a testing stage and not all users can access it, the company says it is giving positive results, so it is likely to be extended to all its customers. Recently another feature that enabled Netflix was to remove SERIES or movies from the “Keep Watching” reel to prevent some titles from continuing to appear in the list of suggestions as a first choice. 

With the amount of content that exists these days, and the new platforms that add to the On Deman giant, it’s critical to create new options that are functional to capture customer attention and provide the best service. And this, Netflix knows it very well. We’ll expect the test to be effective, and I got to all undecided users, who will surely save lost hours by looking for what to see. 

Original source in Spanish


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