translated from Spanish: AFC reported procedure by implementation of the Protected Breeding Act

After President Sebastián Piñera enacted the Protected Breeding Act, which establishes affects parents who are using the postnatal in the middle of the pandemic or who take care of children born after 2013, AFC Chile published the dates and deadlines of the job suspension process.
The law may be covered by parents and caregivers of children born after 2013, who are affiliated with the Cessation Insurance. It also implies that the crib room, kindergarten or school attended by the child must be temporarily closed by the Covid-19 pandemic and the worker must comply with the requirements of the Employment Protection Act during its term.
The worker’s employer, as a long as, may not refuse the worker’s request to take advantage of the law. In the case of parental postnatal extension, it must be requested in the Superintendency of Social Security (Suseso).
For the implementation of the process, the AFC Chile established between 27 July and 16 August the dialogue between the worker and the employer, in which the worker informs of her need to take up the work suspension. You must accompany a copy of the child’s birth certificate, the family book, the court ruling proving guardianship if necessary, an affidavit and simple on the need to take advantage of the law and personal data such as bank account, email and date of suspension.
From 17 August employers must register the application in, which may be retroactive (registration after the start of the work suspension). Registration must be completed and the affidavit accepted.
The AFC Chile will have a maximum of four working days to approve or reject and the decision shall be communicated to the worker and employer.
From 3 September, the payment of the benefit, which will be made per month due, will begin for amounts corresponding to 70% of the remuneration in the first month; 55% in the second; 45 per cent in the third, 40 per cent in the fourth and 35 per cent in the fifth.
These amounts, the AFC Chile warned, could change, according to the draft that Congress is processing to amend the Employment Protection Act.

Original source in Spanish


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