translated from Spanish: Popocatépetl volcano emits incandescents, smoke and ash this July 27 (VIDEO)

CDMX.- The Popocatépetl, volcano located in the territorial boundaries of the states of Morelos, Puebla and the state of Mexico, recorded the constant fall – at close range – of incandescent fragments during the first hours of Monday, July 27, according to several Twitter accounts.On the site, which transmits through a webcam the activity of Don Goyo, it is corroborated that it has presented incandescent activity frequently. Authorities maintain the Volcanic Alert Traffic Light in Yellow Phase 2.
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The last time the volcano exhibited similar activity was during the early hours of Tuesday, July 21, when it emitted incandescences, in addition to 34 exhalations – in 24 hours – that were accompanied by water vapour, gases and light amounts of ash that moved through the wind in a south-west direction.

Huge Ash Cloud / Photo: CENAPRED

At that time, the National Disaster Prevention Center (Cenapred) reported that two volcanotectonic earthquakes were detected, using the monitoring system. The Cenapred detailed that one of the tremors was of low amplitude and lasted 70 minutes, this could be caused by the passage of magma through ducts that are kilometers deep.
In response, the authorities ruled the phase two yellow alert, which remains to this day.

Photo: Capture

A couple of days ago, on Saturday, July 25, the Secretariat of Integral Risk Management and Civil Protection of Mexico City issued an alert for the mayors of Milpa Alta, Tlalpan and Xochimilco for possible ash drop from the Popocatépetl volcano. It was issued after Don Goyo submitted an expulsion of the aforementioned material, which was dispersed by the wind in the northeast of the capital of Mexico.The capital authorities urged the population to take the corresponding preventions, such as: covering nose and mouth, cleaning eyes and throat with water, as well as avoid wearing contact lenses. That day the Cenapred disclosed that through the monitoring system of the Popocatépetl Volcano 81 exhalations were identified accompanied by volcanic gases and light amounts of ash. Similarly, 980 minutes of tremor were recorded, of which 500 were low amplitude and 480 moderate amplitude; they were accompanied by a steam, gas and light ash content emission, reaching heights of up to 1,500 meters and heading west-southwest.

Original source in Spanish


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