translated from Spanish: Coronavirus: 7,482 contagions and are 235,677 in total

The Ministry of Health reported 7,482 new cases of coronavirus across the country on Friday, bringing total contagion to 235,677 since the start of the pandemic. In the province of Buenos Aires they recorded 5,200, a record of contagions, while the City of Buenos Aires had 1,237. In the AMBA, the occupancy of therapy beds is 66%.

In the interior of the country, Chaco had 77 cases, Chubut 2, Córdoba 162, Corrientes 4, Entre Ríos 57, Jujuy 70, La Pampa 7, La Rioja 27, Mendoza 124, Neuquén 42, Río Negro 105, Salta 54, San Luis 1, Santa Cruz 64, Santa Fe 134, Santiago del Estero 29, Tierra del Fuego 85 and Tucumán 9.The evening report of the Ministry of Health included 120 new deaths , which adds up to 40 a.m. totals 160 in the last 24 hours. The total fatality is 4,411.

Of the 120, 80 are men: 56 residents in the province of Buenos Aires; 12 residents in the City of Buenos Aires; 1 resident in Chaco province; 5 residents in the province of Córdoba; 1 resident in the province of Entre Ríos; 2 residents in the province of Mendoza; 1 resident in the province of Neuquén; 2 residents in the province of Salta. 
And 40 are women: 22 residents in the province of Buenos Aires; 11 residents in the City of Buenos Aires; 2 residents in Chaco province; 4 residents in the province of Córdoba; 1 resident in Rio Negro province. 

Original source in Spanish


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