translated from Spanish: 100% withdrawal of AFPs funds in Peruvian parliament is discussed

The coronavirus pandemic that affects the planet has multiple faces, and one of them is the economic impact it has had on hundreds of millions of people, in various countries, who cannot work and gather resources as they used to, eventually falling into precariousness and poverty, in addition to those who were already in a complex situation. For this reason, different alternatives have been sought, and one that has been repeated in both Chile and Peru is the option of withdrawal of pension funds from the AFPs, with the aim of being used as a palliative in the face of the financial aspect of the current crisis. But the differences are not minor between our country and the northern neighbors, who had the option of withdrawing 25% of their funds, more than double that recently achieved in Chile with the approval of the withdrawal of 10% of the funds. And now Peruvians are looking to further widen the difference, because in their congress of this currently debating another bill to authorize the withdrawal of 100% of the funds of the AFPs. In that line the legislative initiative has already been approved by the Commission to defend the consumption and now all that is necessary is to be voted in the room for the initiative to become law. If the proposal is accepted, those who choose to take all their money out of pensioners must receive 34% of the money in 10 days after submitting the application. 33% within 90 days the application was made and the last 33% within 90 days after payment of the second installment.

Original source in Spanish


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