translated from Spanish: Progress Scholarships: Continues enrollment to collect up to $7000 per month

The Progress Scholarships aim to collaborate in the academic career of adolescents and young people between the ages of 18 and 24. It is a financial aid so that everyone has the possibility to finish their academic studies whether secondary, tertiary, university or vocational training courses. 
How to do the paperwork
Subsidy amounts depend on what each person is going through. That’s why young people who are studying “strategic careers” will be able to receive a benefit of up to $7,000 per month. It is worth clarifying that strategic career means those that are related to industry, science, computer science and production. They can be civil, electronic, mechanical, system analysts, software developers, and more. The requirements to apply are as follows:

Young people 18 to 24 years old.
Advanced students up to 30 years of age.
Mothers from single-parent households up to 35 years of age.
Nursing students (PRONAFE) and other priority groups without age limits.
Be Argentinian native or naturalized with ID.
Have incomes less than 3 minimum, vital and mobile wages. If you live with your family, the same conditions apply to your family group. Young people with children are recognized as a self-employed family group.
People with disabilities with no age limits at all levels.
Trans people with no age limits at all levels.

To access the grant you need to access the ANSES page and fill out an online form with all personal data. You will then have to wait for them to contact the agency to find out if the scholarship process was effective. For more information go to:

Original source in Spanish


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