translated from Spanish: Resigns from PRD Michoacán Juan Carlos Barragán, “single group interests are privileged”

Morelia, Michoacán.- Through a letter uploaded to its social networks the Secretary of Social and Human Development of the State of Michoacán, Juan Carlos Barragán, announced his resignation to the Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD).
In the letter he indicates that because within the party there have been “privileged interests of a single group and sidelined to the rest of the expressions” was that he decided to resign.
The letter below:
For more than 20 years I was an active militant of the Democratic Revolution Party PRD, its principles and objectives that attracted me from a young age to join their ranks. Questioning, dialogue and the participation of all expressions were always respected and heard.
Hundreds of people risked their lives in the 31 years of the DRP to boost democracy and build a homeland that would allow everyone to have the same living conditions.
Unfortunately in recent months in Michoacán the interests of a single group have been privileged and the rest of the expressions to which I always showed my disagreement at the driving that the party was taking. Beyond national juncture, the PRD in Michoacán needed to return to its origins to become a project the appeal to the 2021 electoral process, unfortunately again won the particular interests.
For that reason, I have decided to submit my resignation as a member and state adviser to the PRD I have aches and conditions the decision I have to make but I cannot accept the imposition when dealing with an internal debate where all the voices of militancy will be added.
I am convinced that I always sought to contribute to building the best opportunities for the party.
From where I am I will continue to fight to make Michoacán a better place to live and Morelia the capital of opportunity for all.

I announce my decision to give up the PRD, although it hurts, I will always remain consistent with the principles by which I one day militated in it, working hand in hand with people, with dignity and my forehead held high.
— Juan Carlos Barragán (@jcbarragan) August 16, 2020

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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