translated from Spanish: Hugo Lopez-Gatell: Mexico is in clear phase of pandemic decline by Covid-19

Mexico.- The coronavirus pandemic in Mexico is in a “clear phase of decline,” the Undersecretary for Health Prevention and Promotion, Hugo López-Gatell, said on Tuesday.” Good news. The aspect of the epidemic in Mexico is already very positive, it is in a clear phase of descent,” the official said during the morning conference from Palacio Nacional.
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He explained that, according to statistics, the country has been in a “sustained decline” for six weeks and that, consistently, the number of daily cases and deaths in most of the territory is decreasing.
We are always cautious and until we see a clear trend, we do not consider that we are already in that process of descent,” he said.

He detailed that the epidemic has shown a clear downward trend during weeks 30, 31 and 32 since the first contagion was detected in the country, on February 28 in the city of Culiacán, Sinaloa.In terms of hospital occupation, he noted that hospitals dedicated to treating coronavirus sufferers are in the process of unemployment in addition, he stated that eight out of 10 people who were hospitalized have recovered. However, he emphasized that this data does not suggest that the health emergency has ended in Mexico, “the epidemic is still active, but is declining, in decline,” he emphasized. Mexico has a total of 525,733 positive cases and 57,023 coronavirus deaths, yet López-Gatell said that “it is very clear that a stable trend remains” and stressed that 359,347 people have recovered from the disease. Latin America, with early access to the vaccine
Foreign Secretary Marcelo Ebrard said that thanks to Mexico and Argentina’s agreement with pharmaceutical company AztraZeneca, all of Latin America will soon have access to the future coronavirus vaccine. He explained that it was expected to be next November when the first results were achieved and the “production and logistics must be started” almost immediately. He noted that the cost of the vaccine would be between $3 and $4, but in Mexico it would be free and universally accessible. Similarly, he highlighted the international cooperation that has taken place in the midst of the pandemic and reported that this week Mexico received medical inputs from the Governments of Germany and Qatar, while the Mexican government and japan’s government contributed equipment to the Honduran government.You may be interested in:Covid-19 Mexico August 17: 57,023 deaths and 525,733 contagions mexico to go home to take blood samples for covid-19 survey

Original source in Spanish

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