translated from Spanish: Macri reported from Switzerland and showed off working in FIFA

The former president of the nation, Mauricio Macri, was active on Tuesday following the opposition mobilization carried out on Monday and after expressing “pride” for the Argentines who took to the streets, it was now shown at the offices of the FIFA Foundation, in Zurich.” At the FIFA Foundation offices, where I will develop projects dedicated to youth and education,” Macri wrote on his Instagram account, text he accompanied with a photo talking on the phone. 
At the end of last January, Macri was named executive chairman of the FIFA Foundation by Zurich-based Gianni Infantino, created in March 2018 as an independent FIFA entity. Macri arrived in Switzerland after spending 14 days in France, where he made the mandatory quarantine that took him to the beaches of the blue coast in Saint-Tropes. From there, the former representative influenced the call to yesterday’s demonstration.

Proud of the thousands of Argentines who came out yesterday to tell you enough about fear and abuse, and yes to work, respect and freedom. — Mauricio Macri (@mauriciomacri)
August 18, 2020

Although Horacio Rodríguez Larreta, Macri’s heir in the Buenos Aires city government, had assured that it was not a party call, the PRO Twitter account called on opponents to march to the Obelisk.” Proud of the thousands of Argentines who came out yesterday to tell you enough about fear and abuse, and yes to work, respect and freedom,” Macri wrote this morning on his Twitter. 

Original source in Spanish


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