translated from Spanish: They forbid having dogs as pets in North Korea

Jong-un adopted a measure that surprised many, for practically, banned having dogs as pets, at least in the country’s capital, and ordered these animals from all over Pyongyang to be confiscated on the grounds that they are a bourgeois luxury and that they represent “the decline of the West”. 
According to a source of the regime, the British edition of the South Korean Chosun Ilbo, the South Korean edition, Chosun Ilbo, reported, this ban, implemented last July, responds to the discontent of the North Korean people in the economic crisis that is going on in that eastern country and also plans to solve the food shortage problem there.
According to the newspaper’s informant, following Kim Jong’s pet ownership ban by calling it “a trend tainted by bourgeois ideology,” authorities identified homes with pet dogs, and began to use force to force their owners to turn them in.
In addition to fearing being separated from their pets, one of the biggest fears of the owners is the final destination of their pets, because according to the South Korean newspaper, there is a suspicion that at best the animals are sent to zoos, or, at worst, that they are sold to butchers to reduce food shortages.
Although the informant defector admitted that the possession of dogs as pets had generated resentment from some low-income people, some of them, who also own dogs, are unhappy with the extent that it will take them away from their best friends.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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