translated from Spanish: Solange Musse: what explanation they gave from the government

“We are very sensed, we regret what happened.” The expression is from Claudio Vignetta, provincial official and member of the Centre for Emergency Operations (COE) of Córdoba. Following what happened in the case of Solange Musse, a jovén who died of cancer without being able to say goodbye to her father and aunt, who had traveled from Neuquén to Córdoba to hold the meeting. Vignetta raised that what was done was to comply with the protocol. “He was tested quickly to try to help him. He tested positive, indicating that he could possibly have Covid-19. He was therefore made to return to his province.” This test was performed in Huinca Renancó, on the border between Córdoba and La Pampa, when he had already done 1000 kilometers and made him return the same day, together with his sister-in-law, who is domiciled in Alta Gracia, and suffers from a disabled motor.
“If we allowed him to enter, we put the population of Alta Gracia at risk,” Vignetta said. 

For his part Carlos Musse, Father of Solange, says that he asked to be swabed to be certain in the face of the test that yielded a “doubtful” result, and he was denied ordering him to return in police custody. In Huinca Renancó they took the test on both of them. His sister-in-law’s was negative, but his was “doubtful.” “They made me another and it didn’t matter. They never took my fever, they didn’t want to do the swab. I could never speak to any authority, only to the two girls at the health post and the police,” the indignant man said. According to his sayings, they did not even give him the option to stay in one of the hotels reserved for those who must quarantine, but “eight police mobiles” accompanied him all the way back to Neuquén. They were “posts” of patrolmen between the different provinces.

It was finally known that the swab that was performed Carlos tested negative, therefore he was not a carrier of the virus.

Original source in Spanish


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