translated from Spanish: The letter Solange wrote before he died: “What they did to my dad is inhumane”

Solange Musse died at the age of 36 after undergoing terminal cancer at the clinic of the party of Alta Gracia, Córdoba. His story moved everyone, when his father Pablo Musse, traveled with his sister-in-law, Aunt of the Young Woman, from Neuquén so that he could say goodbye to his daughter, and the Government of Cordoba did not allow him access. 

Solange died on Friday without being able to say goodbye to her father or aunt, and that is why with the last thing he remained he decided to write a letter to the government authorities and so that we do not forget what happened. 

“Hi, I’m Solange, daughter of Pablo Musse and niece of Paola Oviedo. I want you to understand that as long as I live I have my rights and I want you to be respected. I write it because I can’t talk much. What you’ve done with my father and aunt is inhumane, humiliating and very painful. He began by narrating sadly. I feel so helpless that my father’s rights to see me and mine to see him be taken away. Who decides that, if we want to see each other? Remember: until my last breath I have my rights, no one is going to take that away from me. All I need is for you to listen to my family and me. The decisions before this pandemic are on taking care of each other with all precautions, and that’s what was going to happen. I longed to see my aunt and dad. I’m very sad about everything they did to both of you. They were treated very badly, they were mistreated, they did what they wanted as if they were criminals. I want to be with my family and not be mistreated by anyone. I hope this thing that’s happened to my family doesn’t happen to anyone else. How far do our rights go? I want all this known about the pain of the family. I don’t want anyone else to suffer from these situations, not my family, or any human being who’s going through this same situation because I’m sure I’m not the only one. I love my family and nobody’s going to do whatever they want with them, I want this to be clear. Thank you for spreading it and not shutting up.” I finish Solange. 

Original source in Spanish


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