translated from Spanish: Seven months after his death, Kobe Bryant would turn 42

Nearly seven months after his tragic death, Kobe Bryant would be serving sunday, August 23, 42 years, in which he showed incredible talent in the NBA and earned the respect of all the athletes in the world. On January 26, Kobe, accompanied by his daughter Gianna and seven other companions, lost their lives when the helicopter they were mobilizing fell and crashed on the floor in the Calabasas area of California.

The basketball player is remembered as one of the greatest players in history, in his entire career he won five NBA champion rings with the LA Lakers in the years 2000, 2001, 2002, 2009, and 2010. In addition, he was 18 times selected in the All-Star during his 20-year career. His showcases also feature the two Olympic gold medals in 2008 and 2012, not forgetting the achievements of being twice the NBA’s top scorer (2006, 2007) and regular-season MVP in 2008.

A month ago, a message appeared on their social media, announcing the publication of a book: “We are very proud to continue Kobe’s mission to teach the power of emotion to the next generation of athletes,” about Geese are Never Swans, which went on sale last month.

Original source in Spanish


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