translated from Spanish: Radio man: deputy (RN) Luis Pardo is not disabled in votes despite his past in regional media

Deputy RN, Luis Pardo, is a radio man. Originally from Viña del Mar, before arriving at the Congress he created various radio and written media of the Valparaiso Region, such as Radio Libra in Quillota. This work led him to be president of the Chile Broadcasters Association (Archi) between 2015 and 2017.
In March 2018 he took over as a deputy representing the communes of La Ligua, Petorca, Cabildo, Papudo, Zapallar, Puchuncaví, Quintero, Nogales, Calera, La Cruz, Quillota, Hijuelas, Los Andes, San Esteban, Calle Larga, Rinconada, San Felipe, Putaendo, Santa María, Panquehue, Llay Llay, Catemu, Olmué, Limache, Villa Alemana and Quilpué.
However, despite his parliamentary seat and his past as a radio man, Pardo has not opted out of debates and votes in the Chamber of Deputies involving media money, especially radios.
The Counter had access to a series of documents where Mr Pardo voted in favour of two initiatives to allocate more resources to deliver to the radios. One, for example, is from May 26, 2020, where they asked the President, Sebastián Piñera, to allocate “additional resources to go to the aid of regional and local media, whether newspapers, newspapers, radios, television channels, community radios and digital platforms, using as a mechanism the Regional, Provincial and Community Social Media Format Fund”.

Another, on 7 May this year, calls on President Piñera to “through the Ministry of Finance provide urgent economic measures for the benefit of the country’s radios that are affected by their source of income by the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic”.

Precisely, one of the media declared admissible in 2019 to qualify for the Regional, Provincial and Communal Social Media Format Fund is “Radiodifusora Libra and Nexo SpA”, whose current partners are Fidel Becerra and Solange Chapa, conyugues.
The average had asked for $3,200,000, but what was eventually accepted was $2,200,000.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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