translated from Spanish: China, U.S. commit to take action to “ensure the success of trade agreement”

China and the United States have relaxed tensions between the two powers, following the telephone conversation between the delegations of the two countries to push for the implementation of the first-stage agreement reached in January and to take the necessary measures to ensure the success of the treaty, as reported by the Chinese and US authorities.” Both sides see progress and are committed to taking the necessary steps to ensure the success of the agreement,” said the office of U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer, who took part in the talks with Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, while the Chinese delegation was led by Asian giant’s Deputy Prime Minister Liu He.During the phone conversation , the parties addressed the steps China has taken to make the structural changes required by the first-stage agreement that will ensure greater protection of intellectual property rights, eliminate impediments to U.S. enterprises in the areas of financial services and agriculture, and eliminate forced technology transfer. The two countries also discussed significant increases in China’s purchases of U.S. products, as well as the future actions needed to implement the agreement.” The two sides held a constructive dialogue on strengthening the coordination of the two countries’ macroeconomic policies and implementing the first phase of the China-U.S. economic and trade agreement,” China’s Ministry of Commerce said in a statement.” Both sides agreed to create the terms and atmosphere to continue to drive the implementation of the first phase of the China-U.S. economic and trade agreement,” he added. The two sides were scheduled to meet on August 15 to conduct an assessment of the march of their first-phase trade agreement, initialled on January 15, although the talks were postponed and US President Donald Trump went on to claim that he had canceled the talks.

Original source in Spanish

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